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Donald Norcross Complicit in Ecological Disaster in Palestine, Ohio

Aug 24

1 min read




While Donald Norcross was not mentioned in this video, if you cross-reference Norfolk Southern and Donald Norcross, you will find that a Norfolk Southern Political Action Committee contributed $5,000 to Donald Norcross. I'm including a screenshot of the page, just in case the page changes.

While we can't conclude anything other than Norcross accepting a legal bribe, we can be sure that Norfolk Southern will want something in return for their investment. Link to another interesting article about Donald Norcross's tailoring laws to benefit unscrupulous businesses, including some of his donors (many of which are owned or controlled by his brother, George Norcross. Meet the Congressman Defending Questionable Tax Breaks for a Company Connected to His Rich Brother

Aug 24

1 min read





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