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I'm running for House of Representatives in New Jersey's 1st Congressional District with the Green Party to offer a choice for the people outside the failed two-party system. We'll put a pro-worker, anti-war, climate action agenda front and center in this election and on the ballot in November.

Who is Robin Brownfield?

Robin Brownfield, Green Party candidate for House of Representatives

Robin Brownfield who lives in Collingswood, NJ, is a former organizer for the United Farm Workers, and an adjunct sociology and labor studies professor at Rutgers University, Rowan University, and numerous community colleges. With the American Federation of Teachers, she has helped organize several union locals for adjunct professors in colleges and universities in New Jersey.

Known in her community as the artist who designed and oversaw community volunteers in assembling the mosaic mural outside of Thomas Sharp Elementary School, she is also a well-known artist in the Philadelphia area and an activist opposing racism.


An activist from the age of 12, starting with the movement to end the Vietnam War, Robin has spent her life actively involved with movements against racism, exploitation of workers, nuclear power, and nuclear proliferation, to stem climate change, to oppose police brutality, to pressuring Rutgers University into divesting from apartheid South Africa. She has also been active in opposing wars, including Desert Storm, the war in Iraq, and military actions by the US in Syria, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, Ukraine, and more. From ages 16 through 20, she worked on the staff of the United Farm Workers, then went on to get her B.A. and M.A. in Labor Studies at Rutgers University.

News Coverage

Robin was featured in a FOX-29 (Philadelphia) News report in 2020, because after sharing a series of “Black Lives Matter” mosaic portraits online, she was commissioned by Tamika Palmer to do a mosaic portrait of her daughter, Breonna Taylor, whose death, in part, launched a rebirth of the Black Lives Matter movement. That portrait can be seen in the documentary “Bree Wayy: Promise Witness Remembrance.”

Opposing Genocide,Ethnic Cleansing,
Apartheid and Racism

Robin’s father was Jewish and her mother was Filipino. Being raised in a biracial family was a strong influence on her views, as she, her siblings (especially her brother), and her mother were subjected to taunting, harassment, physical violence, and racial discrimination throughout the years. Her father was a proud Zionist, who taught her that Israel had “the most moral army in the world,” and that Jews were “God’s chosen people.” She was told that all Arabs were violent people. Still, as a child who had been subjected to racist dehumanization by white Americans, she began to reject the stereotypes of Arab or Palestinian people. She learned to distinguish between Judaism and Zionism, and eventually educated herself about the real history of Israel and Palestine.  

She is currently active in actions organized by South Jersey for Gaza,  calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank and an end to the genocide of Palestinian people being committed by the Israeli government.

Make a donation

All donations given to Robin Brownfield's Campaign are used for campaign supplies, events, and more. The Green Party is a grassroots organization and runs solely on donations from the general public. Every penny counts!


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P.O.Box 74
Oaklyn, NJ 08107


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